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Considering rapid developments in technology, information overload, change in educational and social systems in all modern societies, and the breaking down of traditional business structures, it is more important than ever that human beings know what makes them tick, why they do things they do or simply 'who they are' as a person.

This self-knowledge is not only vital for coping with our fast-changing world as we find it at the beginning of the twenty-first century; it is also immensely helpful as a tool which facilitates understanding of people we have to, or choose to, interact within our private and professional lives.

With better insights into our own and other peoples' brain processes (and we are only at the beginning of a most exciting journey to this frontier), it might be possible to utilise our brainpower much better, have more fun doing so, and ultimately live in greater harmony, not only with ourselves but also with those around us.

There are scientific tools available for finding out style differences, and psychological tests have been in use for a long time. They all give detailed insight into various aspects of human behaviour, thinking and personal style features.

Two of the newest and most comprehensive instruments in this area are the Working Style Analysis (WSA) for people in the workplace, and for students of all ages, the Learning Style Analysis (LSA) combining cognitive, biological, physical and social style aspects. The result is a very detailed description of a person's preferences, flexibilities and non-preferences in the learning or working process.

People of all ages can learn virtually anything if allowed to do it through their own unique styles, through their own personal strengths. They are more capable of consistent performance if their working/learning conditions suit their individual style preferences.

When human diversity is taken into account and respected during the learning process, in training situations or in skills acquisition, the results are always positive: the learner experiences pleasure, gains a sense of accomplishment without frustration and stress, experiences increased motivation and is always in control of the learning process.

Working Style
can be defined as the way people in the work force absorb and retain new and difficult information, think or concentrate, do their daily work and solve problems.
Learning Style
is the way in which human beings concentrate on, absorb, process and retain new and difficult information.



Reflective thinkers like time to consider everything before they make a decision, whereas impulsive thinkers make quick decisions based on little information.


left-brain dominant people prefer logical, step-by-step information, concentrate well on details and are highly sequential in taking in new information.


'right-brain' dominant people prefer to see the 'big picture' when learning new things, are not interested in details and process information simultaneously.



Some people remember things they hear, they are good listeners, like verbal instructions and/or prefer to discuss new information.


Some people remember much of what they read and prefer instructions to be written, others remember and understand best when shown pictures, others use their imagination and many a combination of these modalities.


People with this preference have a strong need to manipulate things and use their hands while listening or concentrating.


Some people like to be actively, physically involved in work projects and remember best through their own experiences; others have a strong intuition and need to feel good to understand and remember easily.



Some people find it hard to sit still and need to move around a lot, especially when they are working or concentrating hard. Others prefer to stay put and avoid getting up when they work on something difficult.


Some people work better when they nibble, eat or drink while concentrating, while others find it distracting when working on difficult tasks.


People have different peak times when their brains are most active and then they can concentrate most easily. For some it's the early or late morning, for a few it's the afternoon and for many others it's the evening.



Some people need it quiet when working on something difficult, others prefer sound or music in the background.


Some people prefer bright light while others work far better in low light situations - too much light disrupts their concentration.


Some people like warm temperatures when working but others concentrate better when it's cool.


Straight back chairs with desks suit a formal working style. Lounge chairs or lying on the floor when concentrating suit people with an informal working style.



Some people concentrate best when allowed to work on their own.


Some people prefer to have another person to work with.


Some people perform best when they can share their ideas and work within a group of like-minded people who are all at a similar level.


Some people love to be part of a team (sometimes as leader) and work most easily with others.


Some people accept authority and need very regular feedback, while others prefer not to have authority figures present, and don't need supervision.



Some enjoy work, are self-starters and high achievers. Others can lose motivation easily, like incentives and need all other preferences matched to improve their work motivation.


Some people always finish what they begin while others stop when they lose interest and need frequent breaks and lots of encouragement to complete tasks.


Some people need rules and regulations and always like to do what's 'right'; others follow their own rules and like doing unconventional things, often going 'against the stream'.


People who take responsibility do what's expected of them and consider the consequences of their actions carefully. Others don't consider work the most important thing in their lives, can be easily distracted from their duties and often forget what they promised.


Some people need clear guidelines and a framework to work within; others prefer to work independently without needing instructions.


Some people like change, variety and challenges, hardly ever doing the same thing twice. Others work better under routine and like predictability and steadiness in their work.