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PRODUCTS > Online Assessment Instruments > Working Styles

WSA-Employee: For individuals in the workplace who want detailed information about their unique working style. Self knowledge reduces stress at work and improves job satisfaction.

Reduce stress and increase your job satisfaction ...

... by discovering how you work best.

~ Are you a quick learner?

~ Are you good with computers?

~ Do you like details?

~ How do you communicate?

The report will provide colourful graphs and pie charts of your strengths, flexibilities, adaptabilities and non-preferences. Specific, practical advice, including a self-enhancement action plan and a personal monitoring system, are included.

WSA costs less than psychometric testing, but it goes deeper.
This is because WSA reveals all your bio-physical makeup and conditioned style elements across the six key areas in the Working Style Pyramid Model:

  • Brain Processing
  • Sensory Modalities
  • Physical Needs
  • Environmental Preferences
  • Social Aspects
  • Professional Attitudes

WSA reveals ... your unique combination of working style features.

WSA shows ... how to set up your work environment to get better results.

WSA provides ... guidelines for you to concentrate better and perform at your best.

WSA delivers ... deeper, broader analysis than conventional personality tests, for a smaller cost.

WSA-Manager (Combo): For managers who want to get to know their team members better. Enhances work performance and gives specific information for both employees and managers.

Enhance performance ...

... by discovering how people in your team work best.

~ How does your staff operate under pressure?

~ Who can learn quickly and whose persistence is high?

~ Who is suitable to working shifts or making on-the-spot decisions?

~ What is the optimal way to motivate the individuals in your team?

WSA costs less than psychometric testing, but it goes deeper.
This is because WSA reveals all a person's bio-physical makeup and conditioned style elements across the six key areas in the Working Style Pyramid Model:

  • Information Processing
  • Sensory Modalities
  • Physical Needs
  • Environmental Preferences
  • Social Aspects
  • Professional Attitudes

WSA reveals ... each employee's unique combination of style features.

WSA shows ... how to rearrange the work environment to get better results.

WSA provides ... guidelines for helping people concentrate better and perform at their best.

WSA delivers... deeper, broader analysis than conventional personality tests, for a smaller cost.

Working Style Analysis Editions

Manager Combo Employee