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PRODUCTS > Online Assessment Instruments > Teaching Styles

Enhance the power to educate...

... by discovering how a teacher teaches best.

Every teacher has a unique style and teaching preferences of their own. The key to optimum performance in the classroom is to discover these and use them in preparation, teaching and managing students.

Of all the many educational profiling tools available to educators, only TSA reveals all a teacher's style features, across the six key areas in the Teaching Style Pyramid Model:

  • Information Processing
  • Teaching Methods (Sensory)
  • Classroom Management (Physical)
  • Classroom Design (Environment)
  • Lesson Planning (Techniques)
  • Professional Characteristics (Attitudes)

TSA reveals... each teacher's unique combination of style elements.

TSA shows ... how to rearrange the learning environment to get better results.

TSA helps matching ... the specific needs of students and their teachers during the learning process.

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