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PRODUCTS > Online Assessment Instruments > Learning Styles > Pricing

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Retail Pricing

Product NameQuantityUnit Price (NZ$)
LSA-Junior Complete1 to 926,41
10 to 4925,09
50 to 9923,77
LSA-Junior Student Version1 to 915,54
10 to 4914,76
50 to 9913,98
LSA-Mini Complete1 to 926,41
10 to 4925,09
50 to 9923,77
LSA-Mini Student Version1 to 915,54
10 to 4914,76
50 to 9913,98
LSA-Senior Complete1 to 926,41
10 to 4925,09
50 to 9923,77
LSA-Senior Student Version1 to 915,54
10 to 4914,76
50 to 9913,98
LSA-Adult1 to 923,31
10 to 4922,14
50 to 9920,98

Hay más descuentos disponibles para volúmenes mayores de 100, contacte CLC por precios.
Precios indicados son al detalle. Usuarios autorizados descuentan 25% (calculado automaticamente cuando compran).
Note que los créditos no usados para perfiles no expiran y se pueden usar para procesar perfiles como quiera.

Prices shown are retail. Certified Users deduct 25% (calculated automatically when you purchase).
A Certified User is someone who has completed Day 1 & 2 of the International LSA Certification Programme or the 3-day WSA Certification with Barbara Prashnig. View certified user prices.