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LSA-Junior Student Version

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Retail Pricing

LSA-Junior Student Version
QuantityUnit Price (SG$)
1 to 916,54
10 to 4915,72
50 to 9914,89
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BONUS: Free Group Profiles (available automatically with 5 or more completed profiles)

Hay más descuentos disponibles para volúmenes mayores de 100, contacte CLC por precios.
Precios indicados son al detalle. Usuarios autorizados descuentan 25% (calculado automaticamente cuando compran).
Note que los créditos no usados para perfiles no expiran y se pueden usar para procesar perfiles como quiera.

Prices shown are retail. Certified Users deduct 25% (calculated automatically when you purchase).
A Certified User is someone who has completed Day 1 & 2 of the International LSA Certification Programme or the 3-day WSA Certification with Barbara Prashnig. View certified user prices.