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LSA MINI - A New Product for Children with Learning Difficulties

Learning Style Analysis - Junior MINI

Auckland, New Zealand, 18 September, 2006

Creative Learning Systems, New Zealand, have released an exciting new product aimed at children 5-10 years of age who find school a challenge. The product is based on the premise that every child has his or her unique style of learning, and that if that learning style is satisfied, the child will have more success at school and in other learning situations.

This is not the first such product on the market: CLS is well established in the area of learning styles, teaching styles and working styles. The advantage of the LSA MINI, however, is its relative brevity combined with spot-on accuracy.

“In order to determine a learning style, we need to check 49 different elements,” says the CEO of the company, Barbara Prashnig. “Normally, that implies a lot of questions. In the MINI, we manage to determine an accurate profile in just 5 minutes.”

The brevity is restricted to the questionnaire. The actual LSA Report runs for more than 10 pages, complete with the analysis, graphs and suggestions how to help the child learn in their preferred style. What’s more, the report comes in three versions: for the student, for the parent and for the teacher, so that everybody is aware of the child’s learning needs.

The new report also helps the parents identify giftedness in their children, spot the signs of under-achievement and see how safe the child is on the Internet based on their style combinations.

Product Info