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Licensing Information

Information for Prospective CLS License Holders/Distributors

The Creative Learning range of training and personal assessment software is made available to global business and education markets by a combination of direct business and partnerships. These partnerships generally take the form of a licensed distribution agreement for either the WSA group of products (for business markets) or LSA group of products (for education markets).

What follows is information for those organisations interested in becoming an outlet for our products and services via a licensed distributor arrangement, whereby an annual license fee secures the right to distribute our software and training properties on a wholesale basis.

For those interested in a less formal arrangement, our Certified User status provides opportunity for distribution of software only, following the prescribed training.

Licensee Selection Criteria

Each company application will be assessed individually and official Licensees will be appointed on the strength of their proposal in the following core areas:

  1. Professional background in teaching/training
  2. Some expertise in information technology and computer software
  3. Market reputation and existing customer network of the company
  4. Strength of sales force and degree of penetration of educational market
  5. Market positioning and the degree of security in its positioning
  6. Competence in performing promotional tasks
  7. Ability to use the full marketing mix (training seminars and software sales) effectively - enhancing the market perception of and the access to the licensed product
  8. Capacity to give the licensed products the marketing focus they require
  9. Scale and timing of financial projections
  10. Ability to respond quickly to emerging opportunities

Requirements for becoming a License Holder and Software Distributor for CLS

For all our associates CLS endeavours to maintain an exceptionally high standard of training as well as a good understanding of the Diversity Concept and a profound knowledge of Working and Training or Learning and Teaching Styles. This is why we have devised an internationally followed procedure for prospective partners to obtain the rights to distribute our software and conduct training seminars in their own country.

Accreditation Process

Step 1:
Initial enquiry and completion of License Application.
Step 2:
Presentation of License Information Manual to prospective License Holder
Step 3:
Fulfillment of all requirements by applicant to become a Licensee/ License Holder and Software Distributor
Step 4:
Approval of Licensee by Licensor
Step 5:
Signing of License Agreement and payment of license fee
Step 6:
Appropriate Working Styles or Learning Styles Training with Barbara Prashnig at a place and venue nominated and organised by the new License Holder.
Completion of this Certification Training entitles the License Holder to purchase software at international wholesale prices and conduct relevant Creative Learning Company training on a provisional basis.
Step 7:
Pre-requisite for full accreditation is the proof of having conducted a minimum of four CLS Programmes per facilitator no later than nine months after Certification Training.
Step 8:
The facilitator(s) will conduct the relevant training in the presence of B. Prashnig at the location of the License Holder.
Step 9:
Half-day de-brief (immediately following Step 8) �Accreditation� session with B. Prashnig during which a good understanding and practical experience with the instruments must be demonstrated.

To begin Step 1 download the License Application complete and return to CLS, or if you have any questions � Contact Us

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